According to media reports, Palestinian Authority leaders will stage a media event on May 14th that is meant to embarrass Israel. They are encouraging 100,000 Palestinians in Lebanon to march to the border and stage a protest.
Given that this is Israel’s 60th Independence Day, media outlets around the world would embrace the juxtaposition. If the march takes place and everyone fills their role as expected, the Palestinians will bask in the glory of their misery as seemingly hard-hearted Israelis refuse them entry. Meanwhile, protests throughout the West Bank and elsewhere will call for the end of the “occupation.”
It’s ironic, because Israel is under continuous attack from the Hamas government ruling Gaza and from terror organizations supported and celebrated by the Fatah government ruling the West Bank. The key word in the previous sentence is “government.” In all the calls to end the “occupation,” Israel’s detractors ignore the fact that Palestinians have been actually ruled by their own representatives since 1993. That’s nearly 15 years. Moreover, those very same people marching toward Israel would be citizens living in Palestine today, had the Palestinian Authority come to terms with Israel seven years ago at Camp David.
PA Deputy Minister Ziad Abu Ein, who drew up the plan, calls on Palestinians to “invade” Israel. He says that his plan is to unilaterally implement UN Resolutions 194 – which states that refugees wishing to return to their homes and live in peace with their neighbors should be allowed to do so.
Instead of enabling the Palestinian Authority to create a media circus that only serves to increase the misery of their people, Israel should fully embrace this plan. Israel should work with the UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) and the Lebanese government to facilitate the stated desire of these people to reach Palestine.
Lebanon, which has refused to give citizenship and full rights to these people for decades, will very likely support this initiative. And UNRWA, which provides identity cards and social services for the Palestinians living in Lebanon, will be able to provide Israel with information and documents that will help ensure that individuals who pose security risks are denied access. The Palestinian Authority, which has invited these people to join their brethren, should welcome them. Although it would require a massive effort on Israel’s part, it would be possible for the Israeli security forces to vet individuals, issue new ID cards, and transport them to Jenin. Thereafter, the Palestinian Authority can determine how best to house, employ, and integrate these new immigrants – much as Israel has done since before its founding.
The Palestinian Authority has dubbed this plan, “The Initiative of Return and Coexistence.” If it goes according to plan, divisiveness and disappointment will only increase. The Palestinian Authority prefers to resettle these people within Israel’s borders, just as many Israelis would prefer to retain complete control over key cities in the West Bank that are historically significant to the Jewish people, but that isn’t going to happen. Both Israelis and Palestinians are going to have to settle for a practical solution.
If Palestinians living in Lebanon walk or ride to the border as part of this initiative, Israel should welcome them, bring them to one of the major cities controlled by the Palestinian government that invited them, and wish them every success in building a thriving nation like Israel.
Labels: Israel, Israeli Independence Day, Israeli Military, Lebanon, Palestine, Palestinians